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Aqours - Mijuku DREAMER



OST Love Life! Sunshine!!


Itsumo soba ni ite mo
Tsutaekirenai omoide kokoro maigo ni naru
Namida wasurete shimaou
Utatte miyou issho ni ne

Kotoba dake ja tarinai
Sou kotoba sura tarinai yue ni surechigatte
Hanarete shimatta koto ga
Kanashikatta no zutto ki ni natteta

Wakatte hoshii to negau
Kimochi ga tomaranakute kitto kizutsuketa ne
Soredemo akiramekirenai
Jibun no wagamama ima wa kakusanai kara

Chikara o awasete yume no umi o oyoide yukou yo
Kyou no umi o...!

Donna mirai ka wa daremo mada shiranai
Demo tanoshiku naru hazu dayo
Minna to nara norikoerareru
Kore kara nanda ne otagai ganbarou yo
Donna mirai ka wa daremo mada shiranai
Demo tanoshiku shitai honto ni
Minna to nara murishitaku naru
Seichou shitai na mada mada mijuku DREAMER

Yatto hitotsu ni nare sou na bokutachi dakara
Honne butsukeau toko kara hajimeyou
Sono toki mieru hikari ga aru hazu sa

Kono mama issho ni yume no umi o oyoide yukou yo
Kyou no umi o...!

Arashi ga kitara hareru made asobou
Utaeba kitto tanoshii hazu sa
Hitori janai norikoerareru
Fushigi nakurai kowaku wa nakunatte
Arashi ga kitara hareru made asobou
Sore mo tanoshimi da ne honto sa
Hitori janai muri shinaide yo
Tasukeaeba ii waku waku mijuku DREAMER

Donna mirai ka wa daremo mada shiranai
Demo tanoshiku naru hazu dayo
Minna to nara norikoerareru
Kore kara nanda ne otagai ganbarou yo
Donna mirai ka wa daremo mada shiranai
Demo tanoshiku shitai honto ni
Minna to nara murishitaku naru
Seichou shitai na mada mada mijuku DREAMER


Even if we're always together
Our hearts lose their way when we can't explain our feelings
So let's forget our tears
And sing together

Words are not enough
As there aren't enough words to do it justice - that's why we fail to connect
But I hated the fact
That we drifted apart, it's always been on my mind

I can't stop feeling
That I want you to understand, I'm sure I've hurt you in the process
But I won't bother
Trying to hide this selfishness now as I just can't let go

So let's combine our strength and swim through the sea of dreams
This sea before us today...!

Nobody knows what the future will bring
But I bet it will be fun
If we're all together, I'm sure we can overcome it
As everything starts now, so let's do our best together
Nobody knows what the future will bring
But I really want to make it fun
When we're all together, I start wanting to push myself
As I want to keep growing as I'm a young DREAMER

It seems we'll finally be able to join as one
So let's start by expressing ourselves freely
'Cause I believe there's a new light to be found there

Together just like this, let's swim through the sea of dreams
This sea before us today...!

When the storm comes, let's play until it clears up
I'm sure it'll be fun if we sing
You're not alone so you'll be able to overcome it
Strangely enough, my fear has disappeared
When the storm comes, let's play until it clears up
I really look forward to that too
You're not alone so don't push yourself
It's good to help each other out as we're all excited young DREAMERS

Nobody knows what the future will bring
But I bet it will be fun
If we're all together, I'm sure we can overcome it
As everything starts now, so let's do our best together
Nobody knows what the future will bring
But I really want to make it fun
When we're all together, I start wanting to push myself
As I want to keep growing as I'm a young DREAMER



Thanks to Round 23 Score Match in Love Life! game, I come to like some Aqours' songs and wondering if I should watch it or not haha..


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