- Driveless: make fewer trips, use telecommunications and mail instead of going places in person
- Use public transportation, walk, or ride a bicycle
- Use stairs instead of elevators
- Join a car pool or drive a smaller, more efficient car; reduce speed
- Insulate your house or add more insulation to the existing amount
- Turn thermostats down in the winter and up in the summer
- Weatherstrip and caulk around windows and doors
- Add storm windows or plastic sheets over windows
- Create a windbreak on the north side of your house; plant deciduous tree or vines on the south side
- During winter, close windows and drapes at night; during summer days, close windows and drapes if using air conditioning
- Turn off lights, television sets and computers when not in use
- Stop faucet leaks, especially hot water
- Take shorter, cooler showers; install water-saving faucets and shower heads
- Recycle glass, metals and paper; compost organic wastes
- Eat locally grown food in season
- Buy locally made, long lasting materials
Source: Cunningham and Cunningham
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