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LeeSSang - Pursuing The Happiness

Pursuing The Happiness


After waking up at 3pm, my body is heavy - I did a lot last night
Recorded for 20 hours, haven't really eaten properly and insides are burning out
It's okay, the track turned out well, my passion that I poured out in this tiny space
Soon it will bring me fame and money, as it always has
So I can't rest, not a day, not a minute, if a great song is produced
Even if my body wastes away, I don't care, even if I get a mental disease
If a good track is produced, I don't care if I go crazy
The legend of this era, the acknowledgement of everyone, the "Big Brother" of music
These words are far away from me but I scrunch up and write lyrics all night
I open my own door of happiness

On my pursuit of happiness, I flew for a long time
So all the shrunken things can put on a smile
On my pursuit of happiness, I endured for a long time
So that someday, everything will shine

Even if sometimes, everything disappears like the beginning (disappears)
Even if everything of me seems pathetic (someday)

While watching Gil, who appeared on a variety programs before me
My mother was envious and asked "Why don't you do it with him?"
I still remember her eyes, filled with concern that she might hurt my feelings
I'm over thirty years old but in front of my mother, I'm still a child
Maybe that was the biggest reason why I chose to do variety shows
Now my heart is at rest, people tell me how much I've grown
Yes, some people may bash me but my parents are happy
That's all that matters
What more do I need? I'm always an island outside my house
I won't forget the pride of my parents and engrave it in my heart
Whenever I go home, I see the shoes I bought them are still new
Please stop saving them up and just wear them
Open the door of happiness

On my pursuit of happiness, I flew for a long time
So all the shrunken things can be put on a smile
On my pursuit of happiness, I endured for a long time
So that someday, everything will shine

Even if sometimes, everything disappears like the beginning (disappears)
Even if everything on me seems pathetic (someday)

In this marathon called life, our paths might be different
And even if we live insufficiently
We live with the fun of filling it up and though there's a lot of hardships
Get to know the taste of enduring it and take one more step
"Why is my life like this?" Those words are just excuses
Don't give up so easily on this game called life
So when you close your eyes in this world
You can open your last door of happiness without any regrets

On my pursuit of happiness, I flew for a long time
So all the shrunken things can be put on a smile
On my pursuit of happiness, I endured for a long time
So that someday, everything will shine


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