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Showing posts from May, 2011

Purpose: do you have one?

                Purpose bagi kebanyakan orang didefinisikan sebagai maksud atau tujuan. Sebelum lebih jauh, ada sebuah pertanyaan untuk dipikirkan, apakah sebenarnya tujuan hidup kita? Meski sederhana, namun kita akan memerlukan waktu untuk menjawabnya. Mengapa? Karena mungkin kita tidak pernah menanyakan hal ini kepada diri kita masing-masing sebelumnya.                 Sistem pendidikan, aturan-aturan, nilai-nilai dalam masyarakat sudah membentuk orang sedemikian rupa sehingga banyak yang melakukan sesuatu tanpa tahu persis tujuan melakukan hal tersebut. Faktanya, sehari-hari kita berangkat ke kantor pada pukul 09.00, lalu meninggalkan kantor pukul 17.00 dan tiba kembali di rumah pada pukul 19.00. Mengapa kita melakukan hal tersebut? Apakah karena itulah yang ingin kita lakukan atau karena kita harus...

What friendship means to you?

Friendship means a lot to me. It shows how close i am to my friends.  Many things i have passed with my best friends.  Of course there were always good times and bad times.  We had joy and fun together.  We laughed together and there were times when we cried together.  When i had a problem, they were always there to help me through.  We always shared our stories. And we support each other.  My best friends always tell me if i did a mistake.  And they would know how my feeling without asking me a question.  They will appreciate me when other people mock me.  And they will be on my side to cheer me up. I have learned many things from this friendship.  I have learned how to be a good listener,  how not for being selfish, how to care to anybody else and how to appreciate other people.  When you have learned about these things,  you will realize how precious are your best friend and you...